Food for Healthy Bones Cooking Demonstration and Lecture at Integrated Fitness
With Irma Jennings, INHC, Holistic Bone Coach and Vicki Sarnoff
Bring your bones to this inspirational Cooking Class Demonstration
Wednesday, July 12th from 6:00-8:00pm
Integrated Fitness
215 N. Main Street, Pennington, NJ
You learn the latest on calcium supplements (from the recent study) vs. calcium rich foods
~ watch a cooking demonstration
~ and enjoy a bone-lovin' meal together.
~ Menu ~
Coconut Tandoori Chicken
Coconut Tandoori Chickpeas (vegetarian alternative)
Our award winning bone lovin’ Kale Salad
Arsenic Free Brown Rice
Horsetail Tea Infusion
Magnesium-rich Chia Pudding

"What is on the end of our fork has become one of the most empowering medicines of our time. Hippocrates was so wise when he said, “let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Irma is your key to this important teaching.” Helene B. Leonetti, MD

“I have been learning from Irma for many years. She first taught me what it meant to cook organic, clean, healthy foods with recipes that were a snap to create". Jenny Griffith, RN

"Irma and I met because of our love of bones. Irma's teaching people the heart of bone health – teaching us how to feed our bones.” Dr. Lani Simpson, DC, CCD No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide – The Truth about Density Testing, Drugs and Building Bone Quality at Any Age